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  • NUS Law alumni appointed Young IP Mediators in 2021 by IPOS

NUS Law alumni appointed Young IP Mediators in 2021 by IPOS

September 30, 2021 | Alumni, Student

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) launched the “Young IP Mediator” initiative in 2020, with the aim of building awareness and promoting interest in mediation for IP disputes. As part of the initiative, Young IP Mediators have the opportunity to participate in the mediation of a real-life IP dispute, as well as other projects related to the field of Intellectual Property mediation.

This year, two NUS Law alumni were appointed to the programme – Samuel Teo ’21 and Ong Kye Jing ’21. This follows their recent accreditation as SIMI Level 1 Accredited Mediators under the SIMI Credentialing Scheme.

“At NUS Law, I was exposed to mediation in a variety of ways – from attending the mediation module taught by Prof Joel Lee to training for and participating in international ADR competitions. I look forward to applying the skills that I have learnt to a real mediation setting. For now, I intend to learn and absorb as much as I can, and hopefully, be able to make a positive contribution to the field of collaborative dispute resolution in the future.” – Samuel

“As a young mediator new to the practice of mediation, I could not be more excited to experience IPOS mediations first-hand. Having spent much of the past year learning about and researching mediation, I have had a glimpse of how transformative mediation can be – for parties and mediators alike. Honing my craft as a mediator will take time, but I am grateful that being a Young IPOS mediator will form part of that journey.” – Kye Jing

They would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Professor Joel Lee, Marcus Lim ’12, Sean Lim ’15, Jessica Low and their trainers at SAGE Mediation for their mentorship and friendship. Additionally, Samuel would like to thank his friends and colleagues, past and present, at the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) for inspiring him to further his interest in mediation. Kye Jing would also like to thank Professor Nadja Alexander and the team at the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) for the opportunities extended to him as a research assistant and their enduring support.