[CALS] 150 Years of the Indian Contract Act 1872

  • Events
  • [CALS] 150 Years of the Indian Contract Act 1872


Venue:Via Zoom
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only


In 2022, the Indian Contract Act will turn hundred and fifty years old. Yet, there is a striking dearth of critical academic scholarship on the Act. This project attempts to address this. It aims to produce, in collaboration with academics and practitioners from around the world, an authoritative commentary on Indian contract law. The primary purpose of these online sessions is to enable the authors to obtain feedback from fellow contributors and the editors on their draft chapters. We also hope that these sessions will allow authors to engage with chapters other than their own, and ensure consistency and uniformity of the chapters. These are closed‐door sessions; attendance will be by way of invitation only.

Read the post-event Web Story HERE.