Seminar on “I Came, I Saw, I…Adapted: An Empirical Study of Chinese Business Expansion in the U.S. and Its Implications”

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  • Seminar on “I Came, I Saw, I…Adapted: An Empirical Study of Chinese Business Expansion in the U.S. and Its Implications”


Speaker:Professor Li Ji, School of Law, Rutgers University, United States of America
Time:4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Federal Meeting Room @ Portico, Federal Building, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To NUS Law Community


While traditionally the Chinese business expansion concentrated in developing countries, an increasing number of Chinese companies have begun to target the U.S. as a major destination of investment. Unsurprisingly, over the past decade the topic of Chinese investment in the U.S. and its implications has captivated much attention of academics and policymakers. Yet so far the debate has relied mainly on anecdotal evidence. Insightful as some of the studies are, a panoramic view of the forest still evades us. Moreover, extant studies rarely touch on the effects of U.S. law on Chinese corporate expansion or vice versa. Based on a survey of Chinese companies that have expanded in the U.S., this paper fills the gaps. It contributes to the debate about the implications of Chinese investment by exploring a few basic but important questions – how the Chinese investors perceive of the U.S. business, legal and political systems, and whether they would adapt to this foreign environment, and if yes, how? The paper finds Chinese investors to be highly adaptive and negative impacts on extant U.S. institutions are limited in the near future.

About The Speaker

Dr. Ji Li is currently an Associate Professor at Rutgers University School of Law. He received his JD from Yale Law School and PhD in political science from North-western University. Before joining the law school, Ji Li practiced tax and corporate law for a few years at the New York Office of an international law firm.

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