NUS Law Careers Fair 2024


Join us at the NUS Law Careers Fair (LCF) 2024!

LCF 2024 is back from 17 January 2024 to 7 February 2024 to allow you to have more opportunities to interact with employers through seminar talks, fireside chat and a 2-day exhibition fair.

  • Enjoy the full calendar of career activities leading up to LCF 2024, including a preparatory workshop, seminar talks by 8 law firms and a fireside chat with recent alumni.
  • Meet firm representatives from 54 participating law firms & organisations and find out about exciting internship and training contract opportunities.

Preparatory Workshop

Seminar Talks

A total of 8 law firms will be conducting talks on career related topics such as opportunities in their firms, legal career insights, and what they are looking for when selecting practice trainees/potential hires. Click here for more details, including the synopsis and list of speakers for each talk.

Students looking to improve their industry knowledge and boost their candidacy should attend these talks!

Allen & Gledhill LLP
Navigating the Changing Landscape of Legal Careers: Insights

17 January 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | SR4-4

Helmsman LLC
Ask Us Anything - Big 4, International Firm, Crypto Start-Up, Legal Tech Company, Helmsman

17 January 2024 | 2:00PM - 2:50PM | SR5-4

Negotiating The Trade-Offs In Your Career

19 January 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | SR5-5

Clifford Chance Pte Ltd
Insights into the Litigation & Dispute Resolution practice at Clifford Chance

24 January 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | SR5-4

WongPartnership LLP
It’s Not the Hunger Games

24 January 2024 | 2:00PM - 2:50PM | SR5-5

Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Beyond Borders: Lawyers of the Future

26 January 2024 | 12:00PM - 12:50PM | SR5-5

Pinsent Masons MPillay LLP
Life as a Trainee in Pinsent Masons

26 January 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | SR5-4

Sharing on the Intricacies of Legal Practice

7 February 2024 | 1:00PM - 1:50PM | SR5-4

Fireside Chat

Curious as to the various possible legal career options after graduation? Engage in an intimate dialogue with a panel of recently-graduated alumni who will share their experiences in private practice in firms of various sizes, legal service and legal academia. Click here to view the profile of the speakers.

Students looking to explore their possible career options after graduation or may be undecided as to which path to take should attend this fireside chat!

26 January 2024 | 6:00PM - 8:30PM | Wee Chong Jin Moot Court

Firm Exhibition

There are more than 50 participating law firms and organisation - ranging from international firms to local firms, legal service and legal service providers - exhibiting at various venues such as the Wee Chong Jin Moot Court, Oei Tiong Ham Lobby and Block B Staff Lounge. Be sure to visit the exhibition on BOTH days as different firms will be there on each day.

Students seeking out networking and career opportunities or simply want to discover firm-specific information should attend!

Date: 31 January and 1 February 2024
Time: 11:00AM - 4:00PM
Venues: Oei Tiong Ham Building Lobby, Block B Staff Lounge and Wee Chong Jin Moot Court


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Participating Employers (31 January 2024, Wednesday)

Participating Employers (1 February 2024, Thursday)