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  • CLT Seminar: Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies” by Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History Sam Moyn

CLT Seminar: Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies” by Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History Sam Moyn

March 13, 2024 | Programmes


In the seminar “Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies” held on 8 March 2024 by Centre for Legal Theory (CLT), Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History Sam Moyn at Yale Law School, discussed and reinterpreted the legacy of critical theories of law. He observed that existing theories do afford useful starting points for any radical approach, and are not merely cautionary tales of how not to proceed. He notes that it is an increasingly propitious moment to build another radical theory of the law, and it has been decades of relative quiescence in the law schools since the last opportunity to do so. The seminar was moderated by Professor James Penner, Co-Director of CLT.