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  • CLT Seminar: The The Six Ps of AI and the Rule of Law with Dr Paul Burgess

CLT Seminar: The The Six Ps of AI and the Rule of Law with Dr Paul Burgess

February 6, 2024 | Programmes

In the seminar “The Six Ps of AI and the Rule of Law” held on 6 February 2024 by the Centre for Legal Theory (CLT), Dr Paul Burgess, Senior Lecturer at Monash University, observed how the Rule of Law may have to adapt to a world where AI technologies will not just be deployed by private entities, but governments as well to increase efficiency. He questions if  the rule of law can still be reconciled and upheld by governments to constrain the arbitrary application of power with the deployment of AI across certain processes. He examines the traditional and modern day conception of the rule of law and how it has changed and adapted to society’s changing values and norms. By observing how the concept of the rule of law has been popularly conceived both in the past and present, as well as hypothesising the ways which AI could be use in the exercise of power, he demonstrates how a broad outline of a future conception of the rule of law will be identified, and how the use of AI can hence be reconciled with the concept of the rule of law. The seminar was moderated by Professor Andrew Halpin, Co-Director of the Centre for Legal Theory (CLT).