Meng Heong, Stanley

Visiting Research Professor

Professor Yeo joined the Faculty in late 2006 from Southern Cross University, Australia, where he was Head of the School of Law and Justice. His main teaching and research interests lie in the area of criminal law, especially comparative criminal law.

During his academic career spanning over 35 years, Professor Yeo has taught in Australia, Bhutan, Canada, India, Japan, the United Kingdom and Singapore. He has published extensively in the fields of criminal law and criminal justice, and has been a consultant to various law reform commissions. He is the recipient of teaching excellence awards in Australia and Singapore.



LLD, PhD, LLM (University of Sydney); LLM (Victoria University of Wellington); LLB (National University of Singapore); LLD (Honoris Causa) (Southern Cross University); Barrister (New South Wales)

Professor Yeo joined the Faculty in late 2006 from Southern Cross University, Australia, where he was Head of the School of Law and Justice. His main teaching and research interests lie in the area of criminal law, especially comparative criminal law.

During his academic career spanning over 35 years, Professor Yeo has taught in Australia, Bhutan, Canada, India, Japan, the United Kingdom and Singapore. He has published extensively in the fields of criminal law and criminal justice, and has been a consultant to various law reform commissions. He is the recipient of teaching excellence awards in Australia and Singapore.

In 2003, Professor Yeo was awarded a Doctor of Laws by Sydney University for his substantial contribution to legal scholarship in the area of criminal defences in the common law world. While in Australia, Professor Yeo was co-editor of the Criminal Law Journal, the leading Australian journal on criminal law, evidence and procedure. He was Chief Editor of the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies from 2008 to 2011.


Stanley Yeo, Chan Wing Cheong, Michael Hor, Neil Morgan and Jeeva Niriella, Criminal Law in Sri Lanka (LexisNexis 2019)

Stanley Yeo, Chan Wing Cheong and Neil Morgan, Criminal Law in Malaysia and Singapore (3rd edn, LexisNexis 2018)

Stanley Yeo, Chan Wing Cheong, Michael Hor, Mark McBride and Neil Morgan, Criminal Law in Myanmar (LexisNexis 2016)

S Yeo, M Findlay and S Odgers, Australian Criminal Justice (5th ed, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 2014)

Stanley Yeo, Chan Wing Cheong and M Hor, Criminal Law for the 21st Century. A Model Code for Singapore (Singapore, Academy Publishing, 2013)

Edited Books

S Yeo, WC Chan and B Wright (eds), Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code: The Legacies and Modern Challenges of Criminal Law Reform (Farnham, Ashgate, 2011)

Book Chapters

Stanley Yeo, ‘Giving Precedence to the Indian Penal Code’ in Mahendra Singh (ed), Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2018 (Springer 2019) 341

Journal Articles

Stanley Yeo, ‘A Review of the Defence of Mental Disability in the Bhutan Penal Code’ (2020) 13 Bhutan Law Review 41

Stanley Yeo, ‘The Penal Code of Bhutan: Analysing the Use of Force to Protect Property’ (2019) 12 Bhutan Law Review 48

Stanley Yeo, ‘Penal Code Defences: Lessons from Sri Lanka’ (2018) 29 National Law School of India Review 86

  • Criminal Law