1st Annual Symposium on EU-Asia Relations in Financial Services

  • Events
  • 1st Annual Symposium on EU-Asia Relations in Financial Services


Time:5:45 pm to 9:30 pm (SGT)
Venue:Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Level 5, Singapore Management University
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only


The symposium on EU-Asian capital markets regulation, in co-operation with the Delegation of the European Union in Singapore, provides a unique opportunity for global, European and Asian policy makers, high-level regulators, leading academics and industry representatives from both sell-side and buy-side firms to meet and discuss important issues impacting the effective functioning of EU Asian trade, investment and capital markets.

Fees Applicable


Contact Information

(E) cbfl@nus.edu.sg

Organised By

Centre for European Policy Studies;

Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association;

Afore Consulting;

Sim Kee Boon Institue for Financial Economics, Singapore Management University;

Centre for Banking & Finance Law, NUS Law

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