A Negotiation-Based Choice of Law Rule For Contract Formation

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  • A Negotiation-Based Choice of Law Rule For Contract Formation


Speaker:Mr Marcus Teo, Sheridan Fellow, NUS Law
Time:5:00 pm to 6:15 pm (SGT)
Venue:Zoom Webinar
Type of Participation:Open To Public


What law should govern the formation of international contracts? Common law courts have long been fixated on two choices—the putative proper law or the law of the forum – despite those choices being consistently criticised for perpetuating logical circularity and forum shopping respectively. The Singapore Court of Appeal’s decision in Solomon Lew v Kaikhushru Shiavax Nargolwala, however, breaks the common law’s problematic duality on formation issues. There, Lord Mance, sitting as an International Judge on an appeal from the Singapore International Commercial Court, adopted a novel choice of law rule selecting the law most closely connected with parties’ pre-contractual negotiations. This lecture dissects and critiques Mance IJ’s judgment in Solomon Lew, against the backdrop of the case-law and academic literature on the formation of international contracts. It also discusses Mance IJ’s philosophy of choice of law, reaffirmed in Singapore after Solomon Lew, and the implications it may have for choice of law doctrine beyond contracts.

Marcus Teo is a Sheridan Fellow at the NUS Faculty of Law. He teaches and researches in constitutional law, administrative law and private international law, and his work has been published in leading journals in these fields, including the International and Comparative Law Quarterly, the International Journal of Constitutional Law, Public Law and the Journal of Private International Law. Marcus’ current work focuses on the constitutional dimensions of private international law disputes with foreign relations implications, as well as the political epistemology of substantive review in the common law. He is also an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court.

Fees Applicable

Registration is compulsory.
Registration fees: S$80.25 (including 7% GST)

Complimentary for NUS Staff & Students.
(Note: for verification purposes, please use your NUS email address to register)


Please register at https://bit.ly/3jandPJ
or scan the QR Code

Closing Date for Registration:  Monday 8 November 2021

CPD Points

Public CPD Points:
Practice Area: Private International Law
Training Level: Foundation

Contact Information

For enquiries, please contact Alexandria Chan at law.events@nus.edu.sg
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