APCEL Seminar Series: The Cameron Highlands Floods: A Case for the Environment?

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  • APCEL Seminar Series: The Cameron Highlands Floods: A Case for the Environment?


Time:6:00 pm to 7:30 pm (SGT)
Venue:Moot Court, Nus Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To Public


Cameron Highlands, in the Malaysian state of Pahang, has been under stress in recent years as a consequence of changes in land use. While development has created a comfortable lifestyle for many farmers, it has also led to the illegal clearing of large swathes of forests. As a result, flash floods and landslides have become a common occurrence.

In October 2013 and November 2014, heavy downpours brought large volumes of water to Ringlet Reservoir, along with rubbish, debris and siltation, raising the water level within a short period. The mud floods which resulted from the release of substantial amounts of water from the Sultan Abu Bakar Dam caused massive destruction to properties and several lives were lost. On 25 May 2018, the High Court in Kuala Lumpur decided to allow a suit filed by 100 Cameron Highlands residents against Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), which owned and operated the Sultan Abu Bakar Dam, for negligence leading to the flood disaster in 2013. Costs were awarded against TNB and damages are to be assessed by the High Court’s Deputy Registrar.

The deadly floods have brought to light a complexity of issues beyond the environmental threat to a hill resort which was once better known for its cool air and verdant tea plantations. These issues will be explored in this seminar, which includes a film screening and discussion about the court case and issues related to dams.


There is no registration fee for this seminar but seats are limited

Organised By

Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law

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