CBFL-EWBCLB Book Launch: Venture Capital Law in China by Dr Lin Lin

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  • CBFL-EWBCLB Book Launch: Venture Capital Law in China by Dr Lin Lin


Speaker:Opening Remarks
• Professor Damian Chalmers, Vice Dean (Research), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
• Associate Professor Dora Neo, Director, Centre for Banking & Finance Law, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

• Associate Professor Lin Lin , Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

Comments (via Zoom)
• Professor Iris Chiu, UCL Law
• Professor David Donald, CUHK Law
• Mr. Gregory Tan, Chair of Working Group for VIMA Project, PSLC, Singapore Academy of Law & Deputy General Counsel, Temasek International
Time:4:30 pm to 5:30 pm (SGT)
Venue:via Zoom
Type of Participation:Open To Public


China’s venture capital market is not just the world’s largest and fastest developing market, it also has the unique distinction of being engineered through heavy governmental intervention. This book breaks new ground by examining and testing established legal theories regarding the law of venture capital through the lens of the Chinese venture capital market. Using a hand-collected dataset of venture capital agreements, interviews with practitioners, and Chinese court judgements, it provides a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the Chinese venture capital market from the legal perspective. Topics covered include the roles of law and governmental intervention in developing the market, the state of investor protection, unique contractual developments and exits of venture capital investments. By providing an in-depth comparative analysis against the American venture capital market, it provides critical context and makes the Chinese venture market accessible. It is an invaluable resource for venture capital scholars, policymakers and practitioners.


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