Crossing Borders in a Troubled World: A Youth Conference on Transnational Migration

  • Events
  • Crossing Borders in a Troubled World: A Youth Conference on Transnational Migration


Time:11:00 am to 4:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Lee Sheridan Conference Room, Eu Tong Sen Building, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open to NUS Community Only


With the increase in globalization, migration has been a major phenomenon world-wide, especially in the post-world war era. The 2009 Human Development Report (HDR) observes that one out of seven persons (or one billion people) in the world is a migrant. Thus migration has been a major issue in shaping economic policies, laws, cultural values and social structure. Connected to this issue are concerns regarding refugees, human trafficking and notions of citizenship. All these matters are not only factors framing national laws and policies, but are also affecting trans-boundary relationship and international law. In addition to that, migration related issues have also initiated new global rights movement and provided new light on the relationship between the state and individuals. Unsurprisingly, with the new power of social media and other platforms, the youths have been outspoken about their concerns and unified to form a collective force.

This conference will engage with emerging questions concerning views of the youth regarding migration related issues. The conference will focus on the younger generation’s perspective on the many ways how Public International Law principles like sovereignty, comity etc. collaborate with private law – including how comparative law approach can frame International laws in this area; how each of these issues interact with each other, the effect they have on the evolution and acceptance of societal, religious and cultural values. CALS is also interested in how comparative law perspectives help in building domestic and international law in this area. Additionally, this conference aims to provide a platform to the youths to share their ideas with students around the globe and engage in lively debates and discussion.

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Centre for Asian Legal Studies

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