EU Asia Corporate Governance Dialogue 2015

  • Events
  • EU Asia Corporate Governance Dialogue 2015


Time:9:00 am to 5:15 pm (SGT)
Venue:Auditorium, Block B, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To Public


The Conference aims at engaging academics and practitioners in a constructive dialogue between the European Union and Asia on the role of controlling owners in public companies. While this type of owners is considered best able to monitor managers, the relationship between controlling and minority shareholders has often proved controversial. Recent shareholder activism efforts by hedge funds, pension funds and other non-controlling owners has shown, however, that conflicts of interests among shareholders are due to diverging investment objectives rather than sheer holding size.

The purpose of this conference is to discuss ongoing regulatory developments targeting controlling owners in this new environment. The focus will be on practical issues relating to disclosure, equal treatment of shareholders and the role of the board. However, two other core topics will also be taken into account. One is the evolving role of the State as controlling owner-increasing in some jurisdictions or industries, decreasing in others. The other is the changing private ownership structure in Asia and Europe.

In short, new dominant owners are emerging around the world. Some are of the traditional, long-term controlling shareholder type; others are more nimble and shorter term oriented. The core issue is whether established regulatory approaches can prove effective in this environment or whether new governance strategies are required.

Fees Applicable



Deadline: 13 February 2015, Friday

CPD Points

Public CPD Points:
Practice Area: Corporate / Commercial
Training Level: Update

Contact Information


Organised By

European Corporate Governance Institute;

EW Barker Centre for Law & Business

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