Islamic Finance In Theory And Practice: An Introduction

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  • Islamic Finance In Theory And Practice: An Introduction


Speaker:Assistant Professor Arif A Jamal
NUS, Faculty of Law

Ms Ferzana Haq
HS Legal
Time:5:30 pm to 7:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Seminar Room SR 4-2, Block B Level 4, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To Public


As the Islamic banking industry continues on its trajectorygrowth worldwide, there would inevitably be an increase inthe number of cross-border transactions and disputes involving Islamic finance. In such cases, the Shar?ah compliance status of such transactions would be closely examined. The increasing globalised nature of the industry would mean that any decisions made by the forum in aparticular jurisdiction may have repercussions, not only onthe industry practices within that jurisdiction, but also on how Courts in other jurisdictions decide similar issues in theirown jurisdiction. What are the key features and principles behind Islamic finance? What is the approach that has beentaken by courts in certain jurisdictions in respect of matters involving Islamic finance? What are some of the practical and legal issues that have to be considered in dealing with Islamic finance transactions? This seminar on the Introduction to Islamic Finance is meant to be a useful starting point for every student and practitioner who has an interest and is keen to know more about Islamic finance and its legal and practical considerations.

About The Speaker
Arif Jamal is an Assistant Professor of Law at NUS. He studied politics (BA) and law (LLB) in Canada and was called to the Bar of British Columbia. Thereafter, he undertook postgraduate work in the UK earning an LLM degree, focusing on Islamic law, at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) and then completing his doctorate the Faculty of Laws at University College London (UCL). Before joining NUS, Arif was a Teaching Fellow at UCL Laws and at the School of Law at SOAS, and had also been a Visiting Researcher with the Islamic Legal Studies Program at Harvard Law School. Arif’s research and teaching interests include legal and political theory, law and religion and law in Muslim contexts. Ms. Ferzana Haq specialises in Islamic finance and has advised financial institutions, corporate entities, sovereign and quasi sovereign entities on a wide range of Islamic finance transactions including sukuk. She has practised in London, Dubai and Singapore. She graduated with a law degree from Oxford University and is qualified in England and Singapore.

Fees Applicable

$149.80 for Public;
$74.90 for Academics;
$10.70 for Non-Law NUS Students;
Complimentary for NUS Law Community


To register , click here
Regitration closes 10 February 2016, Wednesday

CPD Points

Public CPD Points:
Practice Area: Banking and Finance
Training Category: General

Contact Information

For enquiries, please contact Ms Poova at

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