NUS-SMU-KAS Public Workshop on Constitutionalism and Development in Asia

  • Events
  • NUS-SMU-KAS Public Workshop on Constitutionalism and Development in Asia


Time:2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Lee Sheridan Conference Room, Eu Tong Sen Building, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To Public


The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed considerable attention among academics and policy makers on the role of constitutional law in socio-economic development. Conceptually, this is connected to the third period of law and development studies and practical programs, which tend to focus on the role of public law in promoting development. Practically, a new wave of constitutional change is happening in the current century. Asia is a good place to study constitutionalism and development. Many Asian countries are struggling with constitutional reforms and socio-economic development at the same time. Expert panelists in the first Roundtable will canvass how the constitutional regimes in selected Asian jurisdictions have evolved in recent history to achieve developmental objectives and highlight the diverse origins of these objectives. In the second Roundtable, panelists will share their views on the likely features of future stages and the related interplay between constitutional development on the one hand, and economic-political development on the other hand.

Panellists & Moderators

Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy (Malaysia), Dr. Khin Khin Oo (Myanmar), Prof. Taing Ratana (Cambodia), Dr. Cha Won-Il (South Korea), Dr. Bipin Adhikari (Nepal), Dr. Mario Gomez (Sri Lanka), Dr. Bui Ngoc Son (NUS), Justice Adolf Azcuna (The Philippines), Dato’ Mah Weng Kwai (Malaysia), Dr. Juergen Broehmer (Australia), Prof. Andrew J. Harding (NUS), Assoc. Prof. Maartje de Visser (SMU), Assoc. Prof. Eugene KB Tan (SMU).


There is no registration fee for this workshop but seats are limited

Contact Information

Ms Alexandria Chan

Organised By

The Rule of Law Programme in Asia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung;

Centre for Asian Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore;

School of Law, Singapore Management University

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