The Singapore Symposium in Legal Theory 2016: The Transformation of Private Law through European Integration

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  • The Singapore Symposium in Legal Theory 2016: The Transformation of Private Law through European Integration


Speaker:Professor Hans-W. Micklitz, European University Institute, Italy
Time:4:00 pm to 6:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Lee Sheridan Conference Room, Eu Tong Sen Building, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Participation by Invitation Only


For more than a decade, I have been occupying myself with the effects of the Europeanisation of private law through the harmonisation of the EU. My central hypothesis or at least a common denominator of my work is that, the European harmonisation is steered by its own table of values and clashes against the hard‐won social virtues of national civil law orders. This hypothesis has not been welcomed with open arms in the academy (or elsewhere for that matter) and, for the most part, has been ignored.

I would like, in this somewhat to vamp up said hypothesis. More than ever, I am minded that, on the European plane de lege lata, a new private law and a new contractual model are emerging before the eyes of scholars who do not, from the offset, view European private law through spectacles tinted with the norms of national private law, but rather regard the rapidly developing revolution if not exactly with sympathy, with a dutiful professional curiosity.

About The Speaker

Hans‐W. Micklitz is the Professor for Economic Law at the European University Institute, Jean Monnet Chair of Private Law and European Economic Law at the University of Bamberg, Germany on leave. Head of the Institute of European and Consumer Law (VIEW) in Bamberg. Studies of law and sociology in Mainz, Lausanne/Geneva (Switzerland), Giessen and Hamburg. Consultancies for OECD in Paris, UNEP Geneva Switzerland/Nairobi Kenya and CI (Consumers International) Den Haag Netherlands/Penang Malaysia. Study visits at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute Florence, Italy, visiting professor at the Somerville College at the University of Oxford, co‐founder of the Centre of Excellence at the University of Helsinki. Holder of an ERC Grant 2011‐2016 on European Regulatory Private Law. Finnish Distinguished Professor of the Academy of Finland 2016‐2020, Consultancies for ministries in Austria, Germany, the UK, the European Commission,  GIZ, non‐governmental organisations.

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