Workshop on Wealth Management: Selected Issues in Finance, Law and Tax

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  • Workshop on Wealth Management: Selected Issues in Finance, Law and Tax


Speaker:Professor Dr Francesco A Schurr, University of Innsbruck, Austria & University of Liechtenstein, Germany
Professor Dr Martin Wenz, University of Liechtenstein, Germany
Professor Dr Nicolas Raschauer, University of Liechtenstein, Germany
Professor Dr Michael Hanke, University of Liechtenstein, Germany
Time:2:30 pm to 6:00 pm (SGT)
Venue:Seminar Room SR 4-4, Block B Level 4, NUS Law (Bukit Timah Campus)
Type of Participation:Open To Public


Speakers & Presentation Synopses

Professor Dr. Francesco A Schurr is a Professor of Law (Chair for Italian Private Law and Comparative Law) at the School of Law, University of Innsbruck, Austria as well as Professor at the Institute of Business Law, University of Liechtenstein. Francesco’s main research interests are Law of Trusts and Foundations, Corporate Law as well as Contracts and Consumer Protection. He is admitted to be the Bar in Italy and Germany.

Title: Legal Entities Incorporated to Act as Trustees of Family Trusts: A Comparative Analysis of the Private Trust Company and the Private Trust Foundation

Abstract: The Private Trust Foundation (PTF) is a rather recent model used in many jurisdictions to act as trustee of a family trust. As compared to a traditional Private Trust Company (PTC), the PTF offers a higher level of stability. Therefore, the PTF is particularly attractive whenever the family assets structured in the trust need to be protected from creditors. The PTF also contributes to a higher level of confidentiality of the wealth allocation and thus protects the privacy interests of the family. The paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of PTC vs. PTF models in various jurisdictions and thus suggests viable solutions for the practice.

Professor Dr Martin Wenz is a Professor of National and International Tax Law and holds the Chair for Tax Management and the Laws of International and Liechtenstein Taxation at the University of Liechtenstein. He is also the Head of the Institute for Finance at the University of Liechtenstein and the Program Director of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Taxation. His main research interests are the design of tax systems, global tax standards, international tax cooperation and international tax planning of individuals, companies, private and charitable asset structures and financial instruments.

Title: Global Tax Standards: Impact on Tax Systems and on International Tax Law

Abstract: The Global Tax Standards (OECD, G7, G20 and EU) have a direct and an enormous impact regarding the design of tax systems and the national and international tax laws including Double Tax Treaties as well as the exchange of information for tax purposes. According to recent resolutions of both the G7 and the G20 summits in Japan and France, the global requirements regarding the national and international design of tax systems, the connecting factors to levy direct and indirect taxes and the (re-)allocation of tax bases and thus also of national and supranational budgets will change fundamentally.

Professor Dr Nicolas Raschauer, is the Vice President of the University of Liechtenstein (Prorector for Research and Transfer) and the Head of the Institute for Business Law and holds the Propter Homines Chair in Banking and Financial Markets Laws at the University of Liechtenstein. His main research interests are European Financial Markets Regulation and other relevant fields of Public Economic Law, especially Data Protection Law.

Title: Liechtenstein´s New Blockchain Act

Abstract: The new Blockchain Act is the first comprehensive European law regulating services provided through blockchains. The law contains regulations on market access and the supervision of “block-chain service providers” and lays down special regulations for the handling of business models on the block-chain.

Professor Dr Michael Hanke holds the Chair in Finance, Institute for Finance. His main research interests are in Quantitative Methods in Finance, such as Financial Simulation and Optimization, with applications in areas like Asset Allocation and Pension Finance.

Title: Political Events and Financial Markets

Abstract: Political events, such as elections and referendums, have an impact on financial markets. Recent results are presented that show how probabilities for different event outcomes, together with the market’s estimate of their impact, can be extracted from market prices.

Fees Applicable

Registration Fee (Public): S$75 (excluding 7% GST)

Registration is complimentary for full-time academic staff and students.


Register Here

Closing Date: Monday, 21 October 2019

CPD Points

Public CPD Points:
Practice Area: Banking and Finance
Training Category: General

Contact Information

Ms Nur Fazirah

Organised By

Centre for Banking & Finance Law;

University of Liechtenstein

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