Hwee Ying

Associate Professor

Academic Fellow

Yeo Hwee Ying’s teaching focuses primarily on commercial law where she has taught subjects like insurance law, company law, contracts, partnership and agency.  Her research interests cover both insurance law and business vehicles and partnership law.  Re her research on selected important topics in insurance law, she has  critiqued nettlesome insurance doctrines (including utmost good faith) and argued for reforms both internationally and locally; presently , she is analysing how the different digital tools (arising from innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and Internet of Things) will impact existing insurance doctrines and principles after they become routinely deployed by InsurTechs and insurers alike.  With regard to her research on a wide range of topics in partnership law, she sole-authored the first academic text on partnership law in Singapore.  The many articles spawned by her research have since been published in international journals such as Modern Law Review, Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Quarterly, Journal of Business Law, Legal Studies and International & Comparative Law Quarterly.  Her overseas stints include working in the London office of Clifford Chance as well as Visiting Scholar appointments at both University of California (Berkeley) and Monash University.



(65) 6516-3639


LLM (University of London); LLB (Singapore)

Curriculum Vitae

Current Courses

Law of Insurance

Yeo Hwee Ying’s teaching focuses primarily on commercial law where she has taught subjects like insurance law, company law, contracts, partnership and agency.  Her research interests cover both insurance law and business vehicles and partnership law.  Re her research on selected important topics in insurance law, she has  critiqued nettlesome insurance doctrines (including utmost good faith) and argued for reforms both internationally and locally; presently , she is analysing how the different digital tools (arising from innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and Internet of Things) will impact existing insurance doctrines and principles after they become routinely deployed by InsurTechs and insurers alike.  With regard to her research on a wide range of topics in partnership law, she sole-authored the first academic text on partnership law in Singapore.  The many articles spawned by her research have since been published in international journals such as Modern Law Review, Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Quarterly, Journal of Business Law, Legal Studies and International & Comparative Law Quarterly.  Her overseas stints include working in the London office of Clifford Chance as well as Visiting Scholar appointments at both University of California (Berkeley) and Monash University.

Book Chapters
Yeo Hwee Ying, 'Impact of Digital Innovation on Insurance Law' in Simon Chesterman, Goh Yihan and Andrew Phang Boon Leong (eds), Law and Technology in Singapore (Academy Publishing 2021)

Journal Articles
Yeo Hwee Ying and Ruth S Yeo, 'Autonomous Vehicles and Insurance Law Principles: Navigating New Frontiers in Singapore' [2024] Singapore Academy of Law Journal

Yeo Hwee Ying, 'Insurance Law' (2021) 22 Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases 545

Yeo Hwee Ying, 'Insurance Law' (2020) 21 Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore Cases 619

Representative Publications

HY Yeo, “Impact of Digital Technology on Insurance Law”, in S Chesterman, Y Goh and ABL Phang, Law and Technology in Singapore (Academy Publishing, 2021)

HY Yeo and Y Chai, “Morphing Duty of Good Faith and Disclosure ― Lessons for Singapore” [2018] Journal of Business Law 425-450

HY Yeo and N Lye, “Re-visiting Pre-contractual Duties in Malaysian Insurance Law” [2016] Journal of Business Law 139-157

HY Yeo, Law of Partnerships in Singapore (including LP and LLP) (Lexis-Nexis, 2015)

HY Yeo, “Call for Consumer Reform of Insurance Law in Singapore” [2014] Singapore Academy of Law Journal 215-236

  • Law of Insurance
  • Contract Remedies
  • Agency and Partnership
  • Plain English Writing
  • Legal Aid and Assistance
  • Partnership Law