
Visiting Associate Professor


In Residence

1 February 2021 to 20 February 2021

Current Courses

Dr Alexandra George is Associate Professor at the UNSW Law Faculty. She joined UNSW in 2007, having had earlier academic appointments at Queen Mary, University of London and the University of Exeter in the UK. She has also worked at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy and at the University of Sydney. She has practised as an intellectual property and media lawyer, and continues to give legal advice on a pro bono basis through the ArtsLaw Centre of Australia (a community legal centre that supports artists). She was Associate to Justice MF Moore in the Federal Court of Australia and the Industrial Relations Court of Australia, and (a long time ago) worked for the international news organisation Reuters.

Alexandra’s research focuses on international intellectual property and the philosophy of intellectual property law. Recent publications examine issues of jurisdiction and enforcement in international intellectual property law, including intellectual property implications of Brexit. Her philosophical research examines issues such as the metaphysics and structure of intellectual property law, and ‘property’ concepts in the commodification of intangible objects, and she is currently working on two book projects in this area. Alexandra also has a developing interest in Chinese law, and is a member of the Herbert Smith Freehills China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre at UNSW Sydney.

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