Francisco Arthur de Siqueira 

University of Coimbra 
Visiting Researcher



In Residence

11 November 2019 to 13 December 2019

Francisco Muniz is a PhD candidate in the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law, under the guidance of Professor Mafalda Miranda Barbosa at Maurício de Nassau University Center Faculty of Law – UNINASSAU (Brazil). His thesis proposes an investigation on Access to Justice and Liability for Abusive Litigation in Comparative Perspective between Singaporean, Brazilian, United States, and European Union legal systems.

He is a lawyer enrolled in the Portuguese Bar Association and at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-PE), holds a Master of Laws and Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE (Brazil), as well as a Graduate Degree in Maritime and Port Law from UNINASSAU. Francisco is Academic Director of the Higher School of Law of OAB Pernambuco (2019-2021), Founder Member of IBERC (Brazilian Tort Law Studies Institute) and Researcher of Institute for Legal Research of University of Coimbra.

Access to Justice and abusive litigation in comparative perspective

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