Chui Ling 

Melbourne Law School 

In Residence

24 May 2021 to 23 July 2021

Chui Ling is a doctoral researcher with Melbourne Law School, specialising in sports law and governance. She is a published author in international sports law journals such as International Sports Law Journal, and International Sports Law Review. Chui Ling has co-authored formal sports policy reports for sports associations around the world, and has professionally advised sporting organisations on their legal, governance and employment issues. She presently sits on the board of Singapore’s only sports charity, Chiam See Tong Sports Fund, and Singapore Cycling Federation’s Athlete Appeals Committee.

Chui Ling is an alumni of Melbourne Law School (LLM ’20) and National University of Singapore (LLB ’16).

Chui Ling’s primary research field is in sports law and governance, and will be examining various sources of legitimacy and authority of private sports federations and organisations for her doctorate research, with a special focus on Asia while with NUS Law.

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