

Ilya Akdemir obtained his JSD and LLM from UC Berkeley in 2023 and 2017 respectively, and his LLB from the University of Kent in 2014. Dr. Akdemir’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of law and technology, with a particular interest in exploring how today’s data-driven methods and approaches, such as machine learning, natural language processing, data science, artificial intelligence, etc. can be used and/or misused in the legal domain. Furthermore, he is also interested in developing epistemologically informed legal responses to today’s emerging technologies, including issues relating to artificial intelligence technologies and their legal and societal implications.



6601 4941
FED 02-11


J.S.D., LLM (UC Berkeley); LL.B. (University of Kent )



Current Courses

Law and Technology

Ilya Akdemir obtained his JSD and LLM from UC Berkeley in 2023 and 2017 respectively, and his LLB from the University of Kent in 2014. Dr. Akdemir’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of law and technology, with a particular interest in exploring how today’s data-driven methods and approaches, such as machine learning, natural language processing, data science, artificial intelligence, etc. can be used and/or misused in the legal domain. Furthermore, he is also interested in developing epistemologically informed legal responses to today’s emerging technologies, including issues relating to artificial intelligence technologies and their legal and societal implications.

  1. On the Conceptualization of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) issues in Distinct Corporate Discourse Channels: a Natural Language Processing Approach (Text as Data Conference, 2022)
  2. Predicting the Outcome of Certiorari Petitions: A Text Classification Approach (working paper)
  3. Pre-text: Epistemological Perspectives on Legal Reasoning, NLP and AI (working paper)

Law and technology; Law, data science, natural language processing and artificial Intelligence; Legal method and epistemology