
University of New South Wales 


In Residence

2 January 2020 to 12 January 2020

Dr Janina Boughey is a Senior Lecturer in the UNSW Faculty of Law, and a member of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. She is also the reviews editor of the Australian Journal of Administrative Law. Her monograph, ‘Human Rights and Judicial Review in Australia and Canada: The Newest Despotism?’ (Hart, 2017), examines the effect of judicially-enforceable human rights charters on the development of the principles of judicial review of administrative action in Australia and Canada.

Her work and research interests focus on the interaction between human rights and judicial review of administrative action, comparative administrative law, statutory interpretation, and the nature and limits of the constitutional powers of the judiciary and legislature to hold the executive to account.

Human Rights and Judicial Review of Administrative Action, Comparative Administrative Law, Statutory Interpretation, the Nature and Limits of the Constitutional Powers of the Judiciary and Legislature to hold the executive to account.

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