N. Jansen 

Research Associate Professor (Centre for International Law)

N. Jansen Calamita is Principal Research Fellow, Centre for International Law, and Research Associate Professor (CIL), Faculty of Law, at the National University of Singapore. He is head of the Centre’s programme on Investment Law and Policy. He was previously Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London. He has previously held posts on the law faculties of the University of Oxford and the University of Birmingham.



BCL (Oxford); JD (magna cum laude) (Boston);
Admitted, New York State

Current Courses

International Economic Law Clinic

Multinational Enterprises and International Law

N. Jansen Calamita is Principal Research Fellow, Centre for International Law, and Research Associate Professor (CIL), Faculty of Law, at the National University of Singapore. He is head of the Centre’s programme on Investment Law and Policy. He was previously Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London. He has previously held posts on the law faculties of the University of Oxford and the University of Birmingham.

Jansen has served in the Office of the Legal Adviser in the U.S Department of State, representing the United States in international claims and investment disputes, including before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal. Previously, he served in the U.N. Office of Legal Affairs in the UNCITRAL Secretariat. He began his career in New York in the litigation/arbitration practice of what is now Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer.

Jansen is a Consultative Expert to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and a member of the editorial board of the Yearbook of International Law and Policy (Oxford University Press).

Jansen Calamita, ‘The (In)Compatibility of Appellate Mechanisms with Existing Instruments of the Investment Treaty Regime’ (2017) 18 (4) Journal of World Investment & Trade 585

Jansen Calamita, ‘Are Investments in Water Different? Sectoral Economics, Investment Treaty Architecture, and the Role of Governance’ in J Chaisse (ed), The Regulation of the Global Water Services Market (Cambridge University Press 2016) 27

Jansen Calamita, ‘The Rule of Law, Investment Treaties, and Economic Growth: Mapping Normative and Empirical Questions’ in J Jowell, CJ Thomas and J van Zyl Smit (eds.), The Importance of the Rule of Law in Promoting Development (Singapore Academy of Law, 2015)

Jansen Calamita and M Sattorova (eds), The Regionalization of Investment Treaty Arrangements: Developments and Implications (British Institute of Int’l and Comparative Law, 2015), 1-312.

Jansen Calamita, ‘The Principle of Proportionality and Problem of Indeterminacy in Investment Treaties’ in A Bjorklund (ed.), Yearbook of Int’l Investment Law and Policy (OUP 2014), 157-200.

Jansen Calamita, ‘International Commercial Arbitration in Iraq: Commercial Law Reform in the Face of Violence’ (2014) 32 J. Int’l Arbitration 37-64

  • International Investment Law and Policy
  • International Dispute Settlement
  • Public International Law
  • Legal Theory
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