Jeremy K. 

Visiting Professor



In Residence

15 January 2024 to 2 February 2024

Current Courses

The Diplomat's Toolbox for Int'l Conflicts and Claims

Jeremy Sharpe is an arbitrator, consultant, Member of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (UNRoD), and Lecturer in Law and Senior Fellow at the International Claims and Reparations Project at Columbia Law School. He serves as a member of the U.S. delegation to UNCITRAL Working Group III (ISDS Reform), a member of the U.S. State Department’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law, and an editor of the ICSID Review—Foreign Investment Law Journal.

He previously was a partner in Shearman & Sterling’s international arbitration and public international law practices in London and Paris; a legal adviser at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in The Hague; and an attorney in the U.S. State Department’s Office of the Legal Adviser, where he served as Chief of Investment Arbitration, Legal Adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, and attorney-adviser in the Office of African and Near Eastern Affairs and the Office of International Claims and Investment Disputes.

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