
Visiting Senior Fellow



In Residence

2 August 2021 to 28 February 2022

Current Courses

China International Arbitration

Jonathan Lim is a triple-qualified English solicitor, Singapore advocate and New York lawyer with a focus on complex international disputes. He has particular experience with disputes in the energy, financial services, technology and telecommunications sectors, and has represented clients in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations (including under the HKIAC, ICC, LCIA, SIAC and UNCITRAL Rules) in common law and civil law jurisdictions in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Mr. Lim has also worked on WTO dispute settlement matters involving claims under multiple WTO agreements (including GATT, GATS, TRIPS, TBT and SCM) and is part of the team representing the government of Somalia in its WTO accession process.

In addition to his practice as counsel, Mr. Lim has a developing practice as arbitrator and has received SIAC and DIS appointments as sole and party-appointed arbitrator in proceedings seated in Europe and Asia, including bilingual English-Chinese arbitrations and arbitrations governed by the CISG. He has also advised international organizations and governments in Africa and Asia on public international law issues (including state and international organization immunities, treaty accession, international trade law, and law of the sea) and assisted with the drafting of legislation in Fiji, Iraq, Papua New Guinea, Somalia and Tonga.

Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Lim previously worked with the World Bank’s Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Practice Group in Washington DC. There, his portfolio included providing legal advisory services, on financial regulation, corporate insolvency and infrastructure-related issues, to developing country governments in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Pacific Islands. While pursuing his post-graduate studies, Mr. Lim also worked as a research fellow and associate for the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation in Cambridge, MA.

Mr. Lim has also been recognized as a leading lawyer by various directories.  He is listed in Who’s Who Legal 2018-2021 as a Future Leader in International Arbitration, with clients describing him as “a very smart all-round lawyer” who “provides top-of-the-class legal and strategic advice,” and “a sure bet as a future global leader.”  Mr Lim was also ranked as a 2021 Rising Star in Commercial Arbitration by the Euromoney Legal Media Group.

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