
National University of Singapore 


BA (Yale), JD (Yale)

Graduate Research Scholarship, NUS (2013 to present)
Robert L. Bernstein Fellowship in International Human Rights, Yale (2007)
Charles P. Howland Fellowship, Yale (2000)

Thesis Title
Building Rule of Law: What Works?

Associate Professor Michael William Dowdle & Professor Andrew Kevin William Halpin

Representative Publications
‘Myanmar’s Democratic Transition: Peril or Promise for the Stateless Rohingya?’ (2014) 19 Tilburg Law Review 261
Experts’ Note on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (American Bar Association 2012)
‘The Urdu-Speakers of Bangladesh: An Unfinished Story of Enforcing Citizenship Rights’ in Brad K. Blitz and Maureen Lynch (eds), Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study of the Benefits of Nationality (Edward Elgar Publishing 2011)
‘Bumpy Road to the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration’ (Asia Pacific Bulletin, East West Center 2013)

Work Experience
Research Associate, Centre for Asian Legal Studies, NUS Law Faculty (2013)
Rule of Law Advisor, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (Washington DC and Metro Manila, Philippines) (2009 to 2012)
Robert L. Bernstein Fellow, Refugees International (2007 to 2009)
Judicial Clerk, Eastern District of New York (2006 to 2007)
Associate (International Arbitration), White & Case LLP (Washington DC) (2005 to 2006)

Law and Development
Socio-legal Studies
International Human Rights Law
International Law and Relations
Constitutional Law

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