Khadijah Binte Mohammed

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Deputy Director, Legal Skills Programme

Khadijah was the winner of the Advocacy Cup (2005), The Law Society’s Best Student in Advocacy (2008), and recipient of the Kwa Geok Choo Scholarship (2017). She is the author of the first comprehensive textbook on legal skills written from the Singapore perspective, entitled Legal Skills: A Complete Guide (Sweet & Maxwell, 2019).



(65) 6601-7727


LLM, LLB (NUS); Advocate & Solicitor (Singapore); Certified Mediator (SIMI Tier 4 /SMC Family Panel)

Current Courses

Trial Advocacy

Trial Advocacy (JD)

Khadijah was the winner of the Advocacy Cup (2005), The Law Society’s Best Student in Advocacy (2008), and recipient of the Kwa Geok Choo Scholarship (2017). She is the author of the first comprehensive textbook on legal skills written from the Singapore perspective, entitled Legal Skills: A Complete Guide (Sweet & Maxwell, 2019).

Khadijah was a commercial litigation lawyer with Rajah & Tann LLP, before joining the Singapore Legal Service as an Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court. In 2014, Khadijah became one of the youngest persons to be appointed as a District Judge of the Family Justice Courts (FJC). In 2017, Khadijah founded Lacuna Training Solutions (Lacuna), Singapore’s first dedicated legal skills training firm with a special focus on developing young lawyers.

Khadijah is an accredited Mediator with the SMC and SIMI. She also served as a Judge-Mediator during her time with the FJC.

Khadijah has been actively involved in training for over a decade. In addition to being a Legal Skills Instructor with NUS and Lacuna, Khadijah is a Mediation Trainer (SMC), Advocacy Trainer (The Law Society), and Mediation Advocacy and Negotiation Tutor (SILE).

Legal Skills: A Complete Guide (Sweet & Maxwell, 2019)

‘Will the Law of State Responsibility and the International Justice System Fail the Rohingya?’, Apr 2018, available online:

‘Understanding Law in an Era of Globalisation & Legal Pluralism: Does the World Need More Law?’, Apr 2018, available online:

‘The Impact of BRICS on International Law and the World Order: Illusion, Reality or Mere Distraction?’, Nov 2017, available online:

‘From Augustine to Trump: Has Self-Defence and Proportionality in Just War Theory Evolved Beyond All Recognition?’, Nov 2017, available online:

Co-author of the Chapter, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Family Justice Courts’, in Law and Practice of Family Law in Singapore (2016, Sweet & Maxwell) at Chapter 17.

  • Written & Oral Advocacy Skills
  • Mediation & Negotiation Skills
  • Other Practical Legal Skills (Client Care, Time Management & Self-Care for Lawyers)
  • International Law & International Dispute Resolution
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