Kian Thong, Nelson 


In Residence

18 March 2022 to 17 March 2024

Nelson graduated from NUS and New York University under a concurrent LL.B. / LL.M. program in 2009 and was placed on the Overall Dean’s List (10%) for his graduating NUS cohort. He was a Transitional Justice Scholar in NYU and participated in the 6th Center for Human Rights and Global Justice Emerging Human Rights Scholarship Conference. He was called to the Singapore bar in 2010. After spending about 3 years in a leading Singapore firm, he is now practising dispute resolution in a Joint Law Venture with a UK firm. Nelson was awarded the Singapore Academy of Law Overseas Attachment in 2013 where he spent 3 months at the Essex Court Chambers, London. He was also an assigned solicitor of the Legal Aid Bureau in 2012.

Nelson was an Adjunct Research Fellow at CBFL from 18 September 2013 to 17 March 2022.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Working Paper

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