Tze Vern, Wilson 


Wilson Tay Tze Vern is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS).



(65) 6601-2984

In Residence

13 August 2019 to 12 August 2020

Wilson Tay Tze Vern is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS). Wilson graduated with an LLB from University College London (UCL) in 2007, and subsequently obtained his LLM (Asian Legal Studies) from NUS in 2012. In July 2019, Wilson completed his PhD at the NUS Faculty of Law under the supervision of Professor Andrew Harding. His doctoral dissertation, Judicial Power: The Immutable Core of Westminster-model Constitutionalism, examines the fundamental nature of judicial power and its interactions with the other branches of government in the Westminster tradition of constitutionalism, which retains significant influence in Asia.

Before joining NUS, Wilson was a Law Lecturer at Taylor’s University, Malaysia where he specialized in the constitutional and administrative law of the United Kingdom and Malaysia. He was also responsible for designing and teaching undergraduate curricula on constitutional and administrative law, the Malaysian Legal System, and the law of evidence. Prior to that, Wilson served in the Judicial & Legal Service of Malaysia as a Senior Assistant Registrar in the Commercial Division of the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur.

Wilson’s role at CALS involves editorial work for the Asian Journal of Comparative Law (AsJCL), and research and writing on projects which advance the objectives of CALS. Wilson’s primary research interests are in constitutional law, administrative law, legal education, and the Malaysian legal system. Besides his research, he also claims to enjoy long motorcycle rides, spicy curries, and a good game of chess.

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