
Bankruptcy and Alternatives

23 July 2020

Dr Gardner’s research investigates policy development towards a fair and transparent lending environment, and suitable regulatory responses to irresponsible lending. She specifically focuses on the relationship with social policy and the private law relating to banking and finance.  In particular, Dr Gardner will analyse the different options available for over-indebted consumers in Singapore, including bankruptcy, private arrangements, voluntary arrangements, debt repayment schemes and credit counselling.

Journal Article

  •  “The Challenges of Low-Income Debt and Moneylending in Singapore” at the Regional Economic Studies Programme Webinar Seies 2020-2021: Financial Transformation, Credit Markets and Household Debt in Southeast Asia, 5 November 2021
  • ‘Bankruptcy and Alternatives’, CBFL Working Paper Presentation, 16 January 2020

Principal Investigator(s)

Dr Jodi Gardner

Funding Source & Collaborator(s)

Centre for Banking & Finance Law (CBFL).

Research Area

Banking and Finance Law
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