
  • Projects
  • China & the Convergence of Securities Regulation

China & the Convergence of Securities Regulation

16 July 2014

While an international regime of securities regulation seems to make perfect sense, there is a lack of understanding as to what such a regime would entail. In answering this question, this researcher will engage firstly in a discussion of the possible approaches to converge securities regulation, before arriving at his prediction of how this international securities regulation will look like. A related question that the author wishes to explore from this first query is how far China will go in supporting the convergence project. Given the sphere of China’s influence over the global economy, its endorsement of such a convergence project would be critical in providing the project legitimacy in an international context.

Principal Investigator(s)

Adjunct Researcher PEH Zu Hao

Funding Source & Collaborator(s)

This research is funded by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Centre for Banking & Finance Law (CBFL).

Research Area

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