
  • Publications
  • 2022. Securities and Financial Services Regulation

2022. Securities and Financial Services Regulation

Year of Publication: 2023
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Hans Tjio
Research Area(s): Banking and Finance Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper No. 2023/011

NUS EW Barker Centre for Law & Business Working Paper 23/03

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-2311

Jim Chanos has said that the time is ripe for fraud given the large valuation increases in financial assets, technology and now significant declines due to inflation and even more so the crypto winter. There are also extreme inequalities which provide the right conditions for some planning to take things from others. While the primary market has been less active given falls in market prices, the fact that the secondary markets have been so volatile has resulted in consequent problems as losses are not fully or properly disclosed or even acknowledged.

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