
  • Publications
  • Alternatives to EU Membership and the Rational Imagination

Alternatives to EU Membership and the Rational Imagination

Year of Publication: 2016
Author(s): Damian Chalmers
Research Area(s): European Law
Journal Name: Political Quarterly
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 2

The domestic scenario following a Brexit vote is likely to be characterised by high stakes, uncertainty and fissile political debate. No off‐the‐peg arrangement touted for Brexit—be it Norwegian, Swiss, Turkish or Canadian—was designed to engage with such a context. Nor does it seem wise to rush to medium‐term commitments which might pre‐empt democratic politics and wise choices. Far more important will be the legitimacy of any institutional settlement governing this arrangement, which will provide the context for its revision and development and the space for democratic reflection over how these policies are to be governed. It will be suggested that here there is much insight to be gained from looking at regional arrangements beyond the EU.

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