
  • Publications
  • Artificial Intelligence And The Limits Of Legal Personality

Artificial Intelligence And The Limits Of Legal Personality

Year of Publication: 2020
Month of Publication: 10
Author(s): Simon Chesterman
Research Area(s): Information Technology and the Law
Journal Name: International & Comparative Law Quarterly
Volume Number: 69
Issue Number: 4

As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become more sophisticated and play a larger role in society, arguments that they should have some form of legal personality gain credence. The arguments are typically framed in instrumental terms, with comparisons to juridical persons such as corporations. Implicit in those arguments, or explicit in their illustrations and examples, is the idea that as AI systems approach the point of indistinguishability from humans they should be entitled to a status comparable to natural persons. This article contends that although most legal systems could create a novel category of legal persons, such arguments are insufficient to show that they should.

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