
  • Publications
  • Can There Be Theft of a Discarded Item?: Parti Liyani v Public Prosecutor [2020] SGHC 187

Can There Be Theft of a Discarded Item?: Parti Liyani v Public Prosecutor [2020] SGHC 187

Year of Publication: 2021
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Benny Tan
Research Area(s): Civil and Criminal Procedure
Journal Name: Singapore Academy of Law Journal
Volume Number: 33

In Parti Liyani v Public Prosecutor [2020] SGHC 187, the High Court held that a person cannot commit theft of an item that has been discarded by its owner. This note suggests that the High Court’s underlying premise for that position may benefit from reconsideration in a future case, as it did not take into account certain important legal nuances. In particular, the court could have considered relevant authorities (both foreign and local) on the law of abandonment by trashing.

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