
  • Publications
  • China’s Governance Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Partnership, Relations, and Law

China’s Governance Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Partnership, Relations, and Law

Year of Publication: 2019
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Wang Jiangyu
Research Area(s): Public International Law
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1905

This paper looks at how China conducts intergovernmental relations with the BRI countries. By examining the normative documents produced in the BRI cooperation as well as the rather informal BRI dialogue mechanisms, this paper argues that China adopts a partnership-based, relational approach in ordering bilateral, regional and global economic cooperation. The Chinese approach may offer an alternative governance model in international cooperation but we have to wait and see what will eventually happen in the already very dynamic BRI process from the perspectives of international law and international relations.

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