
  • Publications
  • Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore Theory and Practice

Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore Theory and Practice

Year of Publication: 2016
Editor(s): Jaclyn L. Neo
Research Area(s): Constitutional and Administrative Law
Publisher: Routledge

At the heart of constitutional interpretation is the struggle between, on the one hand, fidelity to founding meanings, and, on the other hand, creative interpretation to suit the context and needs of an evolving society. This book considers the recent growth of constitutional cases in Singapore in the last ten years. It examines the underpinnings of Singapore’s constitutional system, explores how Singapore courts have dealt with issues related to rights and power, and sets developments in Singapore in the wider context of new thinking and constitutional developments worldwide. It argues that Singapore is witnessing a shift in legal and political culture as both judges and citizens display an increasing willingness to engage with constitutional ideas and norms.

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