
  • Publications
  • Falsifying the Trust Account and Compensatory Equitable Compensation

Falsifying the Trust Account and Compensatory Equitable Compensation

Year of Publication: 2016
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): James E. Penner
Research Area(s): Equity and Trusts
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1603

The scope of decision of the United Kingdom Supreme Court in AIB Group v Mark Redler & Co will only be understood in view of its treatment in subsequent decisions, but it is submitted it is frail authority for the view that a beneficiary will be unable to falsify the trust account where property has been misappled. In this paper it is contended, first, that an alternative analysis of the facts in AIB Group indicates that the case was, plausibly, wrongly decided. Second, the uncertain ratio of the case will be examined to point out fact situations where the case should not be followed.

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