
International Economic Law and Asia

Year of Publication: 2018
Month of Publication: 9
Author(s): Wang Jiangyu
Research Area(s): Law and Economics
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1826

This chapter considers the state and future of Asian countries' participation, compliance and contributions with respect to IEL and highlights issues that may prompt future research. These issues are possibly caused by Asia's historical and contemporaneous position in the international economic system. It begins by examining how the selected Asian countries were integrated into the modern world economic system and subjected to the IEL that sustains it. It then looks at Asia's participation and compliance records in IEL, followed by an examination of regional international economic organizations and rules in Asia, which has largely been developed through regional economic integration. The chapter then turns to several recent IEL related initiatives in Asia, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ('AIIB'), the New Development Bank ('BRICS Bank') and China's Belt and Road Initiative. It concludes by summarizing the theoretical and practical challenges raised by the rise of Asia in the development of IEL.

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