
  • Publications
  • Marine Plastic Pollution in Asia: All Hands on Deck!

Marine Plastic Pollution in Asia: All Hands on Deck!

Year of Publication: 2019
Month of Publication: 8
Author(s): Beatriz Garcia, Mandy Meng Fang and Jolene Lin
Research Area(s): Environmental and Climate Change
Journal Name: Chinese Journal of Environmental Law
Volume Number: 3
Issue Number: 1

Marine plastics pollution (MPP) is an alarming problem affecting many countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, and generated mostly from land-based sources. Five Asian countries (i.e. China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka) have been identified as the largest sources of MPP globally. This article presents two cases studies focused on the two largest polluters: China and Indonesia. Both countries face similar challenges in dealing with plastic pollution. They have weak legal and institutional frameworks in place to deal with MPP. The two case studies also show that there have been more creative and effective measures taken at the domestic level by local governments and non-state actors, many of which involve partnerships among different stakeholders. This article argues that governance efforts to address MPP require an ‘all hands-on deck’ approach, involving multi-level and multi-actor strategies and targeted regulatory and non-regulatory measures. However, our findings also suggest that most efforts should be directed at the subnational level, from which the problem mainly originates. This article proposes a number of legal and policy recommendations, based on the lessons learned from the case studies, which can be instrumental in reducing the global MPP crisis.

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