
  • Publications
  • Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice (Second Edition)

Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice (Second Edition)

Year of Publication: 2023
Month of Publication: 6
Author(s): Umakanth Varottil and Wan Wai Yee
Research Area(s): Corporate Law
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: LexisNexis

Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice (Second Edition) sets out the law and discusses the nuances, issues and controversies that have dominated the field of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It aims to address the needs of both the professional and academic communities. This book is intended to operate as an aid to practitioners who are involved in the structuring and implementation of M&A transactions. In addition, it is also aimed at litigation professionals whose services are drawn upon when an M&A deal is one that requires an ex ante sanction of a court of law or one that presents itself before a court due to disputes that require resolution. Apart from discussing the law and its implications on transactions, the authors have made a conscious effort to distill the background and rationale to specific rules and principles and their evolution, which will be of benefit to students and professionals seeking an initiation into the field of M&A. This Second Edition covers:

changes to the Singapore Code on Takeovers and mergers since the First Edition (including provisions on dual class shares and competing offers)
recent key M&A transactions in Singapore since the first edition
impact of the changes pursuant to the Companies (Amendment) Acts 2014, 2017 and 2018
impact of the changes to the Securities and Futures (Amendment) Act 2017.

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