
  • Publications
  • NUS Law in the Noughties: Becoming ‘Asia’s Global Law School’

NUS Law in the Noughties: Becoming ‘Asia’s Global Law School’

Year of Publication: 2017
Month of Publication: 8
Author(s): Tan Cheng Han S.C.
Research Area(s): Legal Education
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1709

The first decade of the new millennium was a challenging and transformative period for the NUS law school even as she was confronted with a testing financial position. Both the curriculum and teaching pedagogy underwent significant change. Research assumed far greater importance and the period saw important strides being made in the quantity and quality of faculty publications. The school also saw herself become an important voice in the global conversation about law and legal institutions. In addition to being Singapore's national law school, she developed an identity as Asia's Global Law School, a law school that continued to contribute significantly to Singapore while at the same time playing a role intended to advance the interests of people everywhere, particularly in Asia.

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