
  • Publications
  • Post-Scam Crypto Recovery: Final Clarity or Deceptive Simplicity?

Post-Scam Crypto Recovery: Final Clarity or Deceptive Simplicity?

Year of Publication: 2023
Month of Publication: 3
Author(s): Timothy Chan and Kelvin F.K. Low
Research Area(s): Equity and Trusts
Journal Name: Law Quarterly Review

In Jones v Persons Unknown [2022] EWHC 2543 (Comm), Nigel Cooper QC handed down the first final judgment on a claim to recover cryptoassets following a scam. While both the result and the reasoning may seem straightforward at first glance, a deeper analysis of the judgment reveals a concealed plethora of legal complications. This note critiques certain aspects of the court's reasoning and examines the interesting issues that arise relating to property and title in cryptoassets.

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