
The Evidentiary Practice of the World Court

Year of Publication: 2015
Month of Publication: 12
Author(s): Peter Tomka and Vincent-Joël Proulx
Research Area(s): Evidence
Name of Working Paper Series:

NUS Law Working Paper

WPS Paper Number: LAW-WPS-1510

In this chapter, we canvass some key aspects of the evidentiary practice of the World Court, with particular emphasis on recent developments. Our ambition is to provide insight into both the Court's jurisprudential pronouncements on important evidentiary matters, and its institutional culture and practice as regards the management and treatment of evidence. This chapter begins by mapping out the evidentiary framework governing the Court's work, with reference to relevant provisions, before turning to the admissibility of evidence before the Court. Ultimately, this contribution recalls and explores select substantive pronouncements of the Court on matters of evidence.

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