
  • Publications
  • The Evolution of Public Policy and Judicial Function in English Law

The Evolution of Public Policy and Judicial Function in English Law

Year of Publication: 2019
Month of Publication: 9
Author(s): Stavros Brekoulakis
Research Area(s): Public Law
Journal Name: Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Volume Number: 10
Issue Number: 3

This article is concerned with the function of English judges in employing the doctrine of public policy to decide cases under common law. For the first time, the article offers a critical appraisal of the recent evolution of public policy and decision making under English law from a structured doctrine of legal rules and limited judicial discretion to an open-ended principle of subjective evaluations. The main thesis of the article is that the latest judicial amendment of the nature of the public policy inquiry constitutes a radical and unnecessary departure from generally accepted propositions on the appropriate function of English judges in addressing issues of public policy.

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