


  • Journal Result

  • Article

    Blockchain Assets and the Conflict of Laws

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Regulation of algorithmic decision-making in China: development, problems and implications

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Further thoughts on Indefeasibility in the Land Titles Act

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS 1-23
    This article seeks to further clarify the following issues on indefeasibility: (1) the availability of the remedy of specific performance in an LTA, s 47(3) situation; (2) the applicability of constructive trusts in post-registration fraudulent situations; and (3) the power of the courts to rectify the land-register under LTA, s 160. The discussion will attempt to provide a principled and just approach in resolving the conundrums posed by these loose ends.
  • Article

    Defamation by Hyperlinks

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – Preface

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – The Puzzle of Inalienable Rights

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – Interest-based rights, peremptoriness, and exclusionary reasons

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – Legal reasons, normative determinacy, and rules of closure

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – Rights in rem and the multital menagerie

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS
  • Article

    Special issue: Basic Legal Positions – Do legal positions exist?

    First view: [Sep 2024 Online] Sing JLS