


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Corporate Law by Hans Tjio, Pearlie Koh and Lee PeyWoan

    Citation: [2016] Sing JLS 214
    For a long time, Professor Walter Woon's seminal work on the Singapore company law has been the sole authoritative text in this area. However, as Singapore continues to position itself as a prime location for legal services and commercial dispute resolution in Asia, a single company law book may not be sufficient to serve the growing needs of the legal profession and the law students. Our legal professionals require more indigenous academic writings that embrace both the intellectual rigour and practical reality to guide them in their day-to-day work. At the same time, our law students yearn to read more books that can challenge their way of thinking and inspire them to love the area of law in which they are studying. It is therefore very heartening to see all these qualities incorporated in the latest corporate law book jointly written by our three prolific local legal scholars.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Annual Practice, 1965 by I. H. Jacob, Paul Adams, J. S. Neave and K. C. McGuffie

    Citation: [1965] Sing JLS 215
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Constitutional Law Cases from Malaysia and Singapore by S. Jayakumar

    Citation: [1971] Sing JLS 215
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law of Industrial Relations in Singapore by Kan Ting Chu and others eds.

    Citation: [1971] Sing JLS 215
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Evolving Indian Administrative Law by M.P. Jain

    Citation: [1984] Sing JLS 215
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Peace-Keeping by U.N. Forces from Suez to the Congo by Arthur Lee Burn and Nina Heathcote

    Citation: [1964] Sing JLS 216
  • Book Review

    Book Review: A Concise Law Dictionary, 5th ed. By P. G. Osborn, LL.B.

    Citation: [1965] Sing JLS 216
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Cross-Examination in Criminal Trials by Marcus Stone

    Citation: [1989] Sing JLS 216
  • Book Review

    Book Review: A Philosophy of Evidence Law: Justice in the Search for Truth by Ho Hock Lai

    Citation: [2008] Sing JLS 216
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Law of Partnerships in Singapore Including LLP and LP by Yeo Hwee Ying

    Citation: [2016] Sing JLS 216
    Partnership law is one of the great survivors of English colonial rule. The basic precepts of the United Kingdom (“UK") Partnership Act, 1890 (UK), 53 & 54 Vict, c 39 [UK Partnership Act] can still be found in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria, India, Malaysia and even Ireland. The same is true of Singapore (there is a very useful appendix to the book giving a comparative table of the partnership statutes of the UK, Singapore and Malaysia). It follows that many of the national decisions on partnership law can be translated across boundaries. In some areas there have been different developments from the Partnership Act (such as the nature of a partner's interest in property) whereas in others there is unanimity.