


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Cracknell’s Law Students’ Companion No. 9 – Public international Law by F. G. Jacobs

    Citation: [1970] Sing JLS 252
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Company Formation Practice Manual by Catherine Tay Swee Kian

    Citation: [1983] Sing JLS 252
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Introduction to Civil Procedure in Malaysia and Singapore by Grace Chang

    Citation: [1988] Sing JLS 252
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Equal Justice and Forensic Process by V. R. Krishna Iyer

    Citation: [1988] Sing JLS 252
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Law of Negotiable Instruments (3rd Edition) by Poh Chu Chai

    Citation: [1994] Sing JLS 252
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Criminal Law for the 21st Century: A Model Code for Singapore by ChanWing Cheong, Stanley Yeo and Michael Hor

    Citation: [2014] Sing JLS 252
    The Singapore Penal Code (Cap. 224, 2008 Rev. Ed. Sing.) [Penal Code] is all but identical to the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (No. 45 of 1860) [Indian Penal Code]. It is well-known that Thomas Babington Macaulay was in substance the sole author of the original draft of the Indian Penal Code and that many of the virtues of the original draft survived the legislative process. At the time of its enactment there was nothing comparable in the common law world. The clarity of expression and the precision of its drafting shone brightly when contrasted with what Stanley Yeo aptly describes in his introduction (at p. 1) as "the" confusing and cumbersome state of English criminal law at the time".
  • Book Review

    Book Review: We the Robots? Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law by Simon Chesterman

    Citation: [2022] Sing JLS 252
    Debates about the law, regulation, and governance of robots, artificial intelligence (“AI”), and machine learning have been dominated by voices from North America, Europe, and Australia. While Singapore has hosted conferences at which these matters have been discussed, and while it is clearly an interested party in relation to these debates, a distinctively Singaporean voice has yet to be heard—or, at any rate, it had not been heard prior to the publication of Simon Chesterman’s stimulating book.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law of Nations by J. E. S. Fawcett

    Citation: [1970] Sing JLS 253
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Palmer’s Company Law by Clive Schmitthoff, Twenty-Third Edition

    Citation: [1983] Sing JLS 253
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Stare Decisis in Commonwealth Appellate Courts by J. David Murphy and Robert Rueter

    Citation: [1983] Sing JLS 253