


  • Journal Result

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Principles of Customary Land Law in Ghana by N. A. Ollennu

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 452
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Criminal Law, Fourth Edition by J.C. Smith & Brian Hogan

    Citation: [1978] Sing JLS 452
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Ship Financing in Singapore by Hairani Saaban

    Citation: [1984] Sing JLS 452
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Financial Management (2nd Edition) by Han Kang Hong

    Citation: [1990] Sing JLS 452
  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Law of Contract Damages by Adam Kramer

    Citation: [2014] Sing JLS 452
    Damages - this is an unavoidable word in almost any kind of contractual dispute, and is of critical importance to the practitioner as it usually determines whether a suit should even be commenced. Where damages are concerned, it is more often than not a question of "how much?" Indeed, there are many species of damages such as compensatory, nominal, punitive and liquidated damages, and of all species of damages, the calculation of compensatory damages is perhaps the most complex. A large bulk of Kramer's The Law of Contract Damages (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014) is therefore devoted to addressing this question.
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Learning the Law, 7th Ed. by Glanville Williams

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 453
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Administrative Procedure Followed in Conciliation Proceedings uner the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Indian Law Institute Research Studies No. 1

    Citation: [1963] Sing JLS 453
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Understanding Company Law by P. Lipton & A. Herzberg

    Citation: [1984] Sing JLS 453
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Building Contract Law In Singapore by Edwin Lee Peng Khoon

    Citation: [2002] Sing JLS 453
  • Book Review

    Book Review: Legal Ethics: A Guide to Professional Conduct for South African Attorneys by E.A.L. Lewis

    Citation: [1983] Sing JLS 454